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Interessant Fakten aus dem ganz populäre Film Inside Out 2

 Déi nei Aventure vun den Emotiounen am Riley sengem Kapp am Film Inside Out 2 ass de Moment eng Liiblingsshow. Hei erschéngt Riley als Teenager, dee mat verschiddenen neien Emotiounen wiisst. Um Rand vun der Mëttelschoul anzegoen, ännert dem Riley seng Welt komplett, wou Joy an aner Emotiounen eng méi usprochsvoll Rees erliewen. Riley, d'Zukunft vum Hockey a grouss Ännerunge kommen all zesummen wéi eng komplex nei Emotiounen entstinn. An hirem Kapp ass d'Riley nach ëmmer dat lëschtegt Kand wat hir Frënn a Famill kennen a gär hunn, awer mat hirem séier verännert Selbst, kämpft si fir d'Erausfuerderunge vun hirer neier Welt ze balanséieren. Hannert der spannender a waarmer Geschicht sinn hei nach eng Rei aner Fakten aus dem Film Inside Out 2, déi Dir wësse sollt. Riley's Crew Fir eng authentesch Geschicht iwwer en Teenager an hir nei Emotiounen ze presentéieren, hunn d'Cineaster während der Produktioun néng Teenager Meedercher aus Kalifornien, Washington a Louisiana

5 Failed Superhero Movies Produced by DC Before the DCEU Era

 In recent years, superhero films have always been selling well in theaters. This is of course due to the rise of Marvel through the MCU. Not to be outdone, their rival, DC, also launched their film universe, the DC Extended Universe or DCEU. DCEU first appeared through the film Man of Steel and is still continuing to this day.

DCEU is a big success for DC comics, because from DCEU films they can get a lot of income. However, long before the DCEU, DC comics often failed through their films.

Curious about anything? Check out his review below on the top 5 flop films produced by DC before the DCEU era.

1. Superman III (1983)

After getting the success of the two previous Superman films by director Richard Donner, DC is back working on a Superman film to complete this trilogy. Richard Pryor joins the film with Christopher Reeve who returns as Clark Kent.

It was expected to be an epic film as the closing of the Superman trilogy, but this film did not live up to expectations. The main plot features a new villain named Lex Luthor, but this character looks more ridiculous than an ambitious villain.

2. Supergirl (1984)

Long before we know the DCEU franchise, DC has already made a superhero film franchise with Supergirl which aired in 1984. This film is a continuation of Superman III in the same universe. Unfortunately, Christopher Reeve did not reprise his role as Superman and the character Supergirl herself was not quite popular with the audience.

The story of this film is too convoluted and unoriginal. Despite being a failure among audiences, film critics and in terms of revenue, Supergirl was praised for being the first superhero film with a female lead.

3. Superman IV: The Quest For Peace (1987)

Superman IV: The Quest For Peace does not reflect on the mistakes made by the films Superman III and Supergirl. This fourth Superman film again failed, arguably the worst Superman film of all time.

Dialogue, plot, and cheesy visual effects, with events happening for no logical reason. Just like the previous film, the villain in the film, Nuclear Man, looks ridiculous and is very easily defeated by Superman. This will be Christopher Reeve's last appearance as Superman.

4. The Return Of Swamp Thing (1989)

Oddly enough, Swamp Thing caught the audience's attention more easily than Supergirl, which was released two years earlier. Directed by iconic horror film director Wes Craven, Swamp Thing is a captivating blend of sci-fi and horror.

However, the sequel, The Return of Swamp Thing, failed. The Return of Swamp Thing lost its credibility, because it wasn't serious enough to be a horror film or a comedy.

5. Batman Forever (1995)

After the success of Batman and Batman Returns, director Tim Burton planned to direct Batman Continues, but the project was cancelled. Instead, Joel Schumacher took over the film Batman Forever, in which Val Kilmer played Bruce Wayne and Chris O'Donnell played Robin.

Tim Burton's Batman films set such high standards that high expectations were set for Batman Forever. The characters from Tim Burton's films are already very iconic and clash with Joel Schumacher's portrayal of characters.

Fortunately, the figure of Batman in the Batman Forever film can be restored through Chris Nolan's The Dark Knight trilogy.


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