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Interessant Fakten aus dem ganz populäre Film Inside Out 2

 Déi nei Aventure vun den Emotiounen am Riley sengem Kapp am Film Inside Out 2 ass de Moment eng Liiblingsshow. Hei erschéngt Riley als Teenager, dee mat verschiddenen neien Emotiounen wiisst. Um Rand vun der Mëttelschoul anzegoen, ännert dem Riley seng Welt komplett, wou Joy an aner Emotiounen eng méi usprochsvoll Rees erliewen. Riley, d'Zukunft vum Hockey a grouss Ännerunge kommen all zesummen wéi eng komplex nei Emotiounen entstinn. An hirem Kapp ass d'Riley nach ëmmer dat lëschtegt Kand wat hir Frënn a Famill kennen a gär hunn, awer mat hirem séier verännert Selbst, kämpft si fir d'Erausfuerderunge vun hirer neier Welt ze balanséieren. Hannert der spannender a waarmer Geschicht sinn hei nach eng Rei aner Fakten aus dem Film Inside Out 2, déi Dir wësse sollt. Riley's Crew Fir eng authentesch Geschicht iwwer en Teenager an hir nei Emotiounen ze presentéieren, hunn d'Cineaster während der Produktioun néng Teenager Meedercher aus Kalifornien, Washington a Louisiana

One Piece Chapter 1054 Prediction

 Check out One Piece Chapter 1054's prediction which reveals about Pluton, the Ancient Weapon that the World Government is most interested in. One of the predictions of One Piece Chapter 1054 that Anime fans are talking about is the fall of Pluton, an advanced warship into the hands of the World Government. In One Piece Chapter 1054's prediction, Franky, the Straw Hat crew also mentioned that he knew Pluton's blueprints.

Without further ado, here are the complete predictions of the One Piece Chapter 1054 manga. In the upcoming chapter, there will be a lot of speculation, one of which is the Ancient Pluton Weapon.

As mentioned in chapter 1053, readers can see the important conversation between Nico Robin and Kozuki Sukiyaki.

During the conversation it was revealed that the Pluton Ancient Weapon was somewhere in Wano Country. This important information has not yet reached Luffy who is busy with celebrating the victory over Kaido and Big Mom.

At the same time, Admiral Ryokugyu has arrived in Wano Country. It is not clear what the Marine's motive for coming to Wano was. If he had come to Wano to defeat Luffy, it was clear the Marines were outnumbered.

Possibly after the World Government got the news that Luffy defeated Kaido, they immediately sent Marines to protect Pluton. It is not yet known whether Ryokugyu has contacted Marine headquarters to request additional troops and advanced ships to withdraw Pluton.

The chapter also shows Ryokugyu's ability which seems to have the power of a plant-based devil fruit.

He can turn parts of his body into plant roots and flower petals appear on his back.

It is possible that this ability brought Ryokugyu to the location of Pluton. Until now, fans are still discussing whether there will be a clash between Ryokugyu and the Straw Hat crew.

When Ryokugyu managed to find Pluton and bring it to the World Government, there was one of the Straw Hat crew who knew the blueprint of the Ancient Weapon.

The Straw Hat Crew was none other than Franky. When Pluton has fallen to the World Government, like it or not Luffy and his friends have to build a rival ship. It is also possible that the Thousand Sunny designed by Franky bears some resemblance to Pluton.

It could be that the Thousand Sunny was upgraded to be as similar as possible to the Pluton which was reportedly an advanced warship of its time.

What do you think will happen next in the next chapter? Who will discover Pluton first?

Oda sensei said that One Piece Chapter 1054 was the beginning of the last saga.
