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Interessant Fakten aus dem ganz populäre Film Inside Out 2

 Déi nei Aventure vun den Emotiounen am Riley sengem Kapp am Film Inside Out 2 ass de Moment eng Liiblingsshow. Hei erschéngt Riley als Teenager, dee mat verschiddenen neien Emotiounen wiisst. Um Rand vun der Mëttelschoul anzegoen, ännert dem Riley seng Welt komplett, wou Joy an aner Emotiounen eng méi usprochsvoll Rees erliewen. Riley, d'Zukunft vum Hockey a grouss Ännerunge kommen all zesummen wéi eng komplex nei Emotiounen entstinn. An hirem Kapp ass d'Riley nach ëmmer dat lëschtegt Kand wat hir Frënn a Famill kennen a gär hunn, awer mat hirem séier verännert Selbst, kämpft si fir d'Erausfuerderunge vun hirer neier Welt ze balanséieren. Hannert der spannender a waarmer Geschicht sinn hei nach eng Rei aner Fakten aus dem Film Inside Out 2, déi Dir wësse sollt. Riley's Crew Fir eng authentesch Geschicht iwwer en Teenager an hir nei Emotiounen ze presentéieren, hunn d'Cineaster während der Produktioun néng Teenager Meedercher aus Kalifornien, Washington a Louisiana

3 reasons why Dune part 2 is better than part 1

 Despite experiencing release delays, "Dune: Part 2" brought blessings to Warner Bros. and Legendary Entertainment with a drastic increase in revenue.

The decision to delay the release of "Dune: Part 2" has been a blessing for Warner Bros. and Legendary Entertainment. Reporting from (13/3), this delay not only avoided the risk of promoting the film due to the SAG-AFTRA labor strike, but also resulted in a drastic increase in revenue for "Dune: Part 1".

However, behind this financial success, there are three main reasons why "Dune: Part 2" is considered superior to Dune: Part 1.

1. Wider epic scale

Denis Villeneuve, the director, took extra steps to expand the scope of the “Dune” universe. The focus on Paul Atreides' journey among the larger Fremen community on the planet Arrakis provides a deeper and more adequate picture. The nearly three-hour runtime makes room for in-depth character development, so Paul's transformation doesn't feel rushed.

Additionally, audiences are also introduced to a broader view of the galactic empire ruled by Emperor Shaddam IV and his daughter, Princess Irulan. While it doesn't present a comprehensive picture of the galaxy, it does provide important context for the development of a more complex story.

2. Austin Butler's stunning performance as Feyd-Rautha

In "Dune: Part 2", the role of villain Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, played by Austin Butler, steals the show. Compared to previous villain characters, Feyd-Rautha has a cruelty and brutality that makes him stand out. Butler's performance gives off a very scary aura, almost comparable to the late Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker in "The Dark Knight". His presence as Paul Atreides' main enemy brings a tense dynamic to the story.

3. Supporting roles and unexpected new characters

In "Dune: Part 2", supporting roles such as Chani and Lady Jessica get larger and more significant portions. Zendaya and Rebecca Ferguson bring emotional depth to their respective characters, which adds complexity to the story. Apart from that, Javier Bardem as Stilgar also delivers a strong performance, bringing his character as Paul's loyal follower with great devotion. Interestingly, in "Dune: Part 1" there will be new characters, one of which is Anya Taylor Joy.





For these reasons, "Dune: Part 2" proves to be a sequel that not only expands the storyline, but also enriches fans' cinematic experience.
