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Interessant Fakten aus dem ganz populäre Film Inside Out 2

 Déi nei Aventure vun den Emotiounen am Riley sengem Kapp am Film Inside Out 2 ass de Moment eng Liiblingsshow. Hei erschéngt Riley als Teenager, dee mat verschiddenen neien Emotiounen wiisst. Um Rand vun der Mëttelschoul anzegoen, ännert dem Riley seng Welt komplett, wou Joy an aner Emotiounen eng méi usprochsvoll Rees erliewen. Riley, d'Zukunft vum Hockey a grouss Ännerunge kommen all zesummen wéi eng komplex nei Emotiounen entstinn. An hirem Kapp ass d'Riley nach ëmmer dat lëschtegt Kand wat hir Frënn a Famill kennen a gär hunn, awer mat hirem séier verännert Selbst, kämpft si fir d'Erausfuerderunge vun hirer neier Welt ze balanséieren. Hannert der spannender a waarmer Geschicht sinn hei nach eng Rei aner Fakten aus dem Film Inside Out 2, déi Dir wësse sollt. Riley's Crew Fir eng authentesch Geschicht iwwer en Teenager an hir nei Emotiounen ze presentéieren, hunn d'Cineaster während der Produktioun néng Teenager Meedercher aus Kalifornien, Washington a Louisiana

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Uses AI on Anya Taylor-Joy's Face

 Along with the many debates regarding the use of AI in film making, this time it was revealed that the production of George Miller's film Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga recently used AI technology to combine the faces of actors Anya Taylor-Joy and Alyla Browne.

Browne plays the childhood version of Furiosa, while Taylor-Joy plays the teenage Furiosa after the time jump in the film.

In her appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show, Taylor-Joy revealed that director George Miller had thought about the idea of ​​using AI technology from the start.

He explained that his main goal was to create a "seamless transition" between himself and Browne throughout the film, according to Variety, Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

“George Miller had the idea from the start. Audiences are used to the new Furiosa (namely Charlize Theron in Fury Road). He wanted the transition between the two actors playing him to be smooth. So, I spent two days doing the craziest things you can imagine. And they put our faces together," commented Anya Taylor-Joy regarding the use of AI in the film Furiosa.

Although Taylor-Joy did not explain in detail how the process of using AI in her film, she did mention that at the beginning of the editing process for the film Furiosa, around 35% of her performance was combined with Alyla Browne. 

When the film is ready to make a full transition between the two, the composition is about 80% Taylor-Joy and 20% Browne. "It's amazing to see," said Anya. 
