8 Young Avengers Members whose identities have been revealed in the MCU
In its first three phases, the Marvel Cinematic Universe rarely featured superhero characters who were teenagers or young, only Spider-Man. The main characters in the MCU series, especially the Avengers, are all capable and experienced heroes and soldiers, ranging from their mid-twenties to thousands of years old. However, in phase 4, Marvel seems to be starting to change their point of view. There are many young superhero characters presented. In the comic version, there is such a thing as the Young Avengers, all of which are filled by teenage superheroes. There are several Young Avengers characters that have appeared in the MCU, who are they? Check out the list below. 1. Kate Bishop Kate Bishop is a civilian trained to use arrows and ranged combat. Kate Bishop makes her first MCU appearance as the central character of the Hawkeye series. In this series, Kate Bishop battles Tracksuit Mafia, Yelena Belova, and Kingpin alongside her mentor and idol, Clint Barton. 2. Cassie Lang Cas...